cs component

CS Component – Leather processing and artisan hemming of leather goods.
CS Component shoe upper factory carries out different shoemaking processings. The company is specialized in artisan or mechanical processings of materials and hides in general, such as the smoothing process.

CS Component srl is specialized in the processing of shoe uppers

It is a recently established company, born and grown in the Marche hinterland, the heart of shoe production and leather processing where prestigious companies operating on national and international markets were born.

Italian manufacturers of private label handmade shoes for the wholesale market

Its social structure consists of two very young but experienced partners.
The driving companies are currently present on national and international market as shoe producers, from uppers up to the finished shoe. They have been boasting positive feedbacks from local important brands, very well known all over Europe and overseas.

The decision to join physical, economic and professional forces has stemmed from the desire to expand and strengthen our presence on the market with a highly qualified product.
Cs component srl is composed of a young team, versatile, prepared, professional and always ready to satisfy the needs of the customer, consistently with the company’s goal.
Sensitive to social changes, we are open to new opportunities and willing to prove ourselves with original challenges.

For more information please fill out the form, we will reply as soon as possible, thank you.


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